Arduino Controller

Created Winter Semester 2020/21

Controller Idea

This Arduino  controller should be used for a 3rd person game.  The main idea is that the user would scream into the microphone to activate the dash function and destroy objects in its path, for this I also added a button to have “push to talk” so the microphone would not react randomly and the player only dashes when intended. A small LED glows when the microphone detects sound and the button is pressed. With the potentiometer you are able to regulate the speed value of the player. And with the joystick you are able to control the direction of the player.  With the OLED display you would be able to see your time that the used needs to complete the Level.

Game Play

The little robot must navigate obstacles and reach the goal within a specific time limit, as demonstrated in the video.

Speed Bridge

The player needs a specify amount of speed, regulated by the potentiometer to activate the bridge


Time Bridge

The player needs to cross over the bridge in a certain amount of time


THe player needs to dash though the walls. This is accomplished by screaming into the microphone.

You can also use the dash to jump over gaps in the map