Leafing - AR Minigame

Grow a new Rootine

Created Winter Semester 2021/22

This app was developed as a mini-game for the application "Garden of knowledge" an AR phone app from the H_DA.

The goal was to create a mini-game that will help students in their everyday lives. We choose the approach of connecting the student back to their inner child, by using a classic, well-known children's game “The floor is lava” and making it AR.


Connecting Movement with your phone.

In this Project my work consist of main developer, interaction design and project manager.


As the game is based on The floor is lava, half of the game mechanics were already given. Such as the "Death Zone" and how the movement would work. We implemented two more mechanics to make the game less frustration.

One was the ability to move freely for a short amount of time to place oneself save on top of a stone and to place safety leaves on the floor to simplify the level of the challenge felt too much.

Death Zone

Area of collision leading to failing the level.


Leaf Placing

Placing a supporting extra stone in the form of a leaf to make the level easier.

Free Movement

A small amount of time, where the user can move freely to the next save position.


To motivate the players to replay some levels, we added Gachas the could be won by completely the level in different ways, and by using different amount of support leaves.



For this I implemented a scriptable object to keep track of the already unlocked Gachas and to keep track of the points the user would get per round

Created in Collaboration with

Marje Alicia Harms, responsible for: Art, Charachter design, Ui Design, body tracking, tutorial development
Jane-Kim Viet Quoc responsible for: 3D Artist