
Haven Wood - VR movement therapy approach

This project was created for my Bachelor. Haven wood is a project, which is supposed to support at home VR-therapy for patients with physical limitations.
Focusing on motivation and using gamification, in order to help the patient fokus on enyojing the activity, instead of worriyng about the inabiltiy or problems during their movement.
Made in Unity. 


DeadLight - VR Experiance

This project was inspired by the Cuthulu Mythos. Stranded at a 1920 Roadside Diner, the user is stalked by an otherworldly entity the Dead Light


My first project was fully created in Unreal Engine 5.1

ElectriCITY - Interaktiv Cave

Using a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment we were tasked to create an interactive experience with positional tracking. 


This concept should help visualize electricity networks throughout a city, and how current is distributed.


Made in Unity. 

Leafing - AR App

This interactive Ar-app minigame was developed for the H_DA app "Garden of knowledge". is inspired by the children's classic "The floor is Lava" and was developed with AR-Foundation in Unity


Made in Unity. 

Chupa Chups - VR Showroom

A VR-Showroom developed in Unity.  Vr was used to showcase the creativity that comes with the brand Chupa Chups and was supposed to highlight some of their products, to be used as a pop-up marketing together with a Meta Quest.

Made in Unity.