About Me

Hey I am Isabel, 

I am a VR and AR developer from Heidelberg who studied Expanded Realities at the University of Applied Science in Darmstadt.


My interest lay in the field of VR and didactic, creating learning experiences and training applications.  For my bachelor I developed a at home traning application for movement therapy in virtual reality, which really motivated me to get as much out of VR as possible.

I usually work as the main developer on projects and as a project planner.

Recently I also developed an interest in 3D modeling (mainly in Blender) 



I am looking forward to setting foot into the industry and being able to develop new projects


Key Skills



Advanced Beginner




  • Languages
    • Englisch 
    • German
  • Softwear
    • Exel, PowerPoint
    • Ar-Foundation
    • DaVinci Resolve
    • Git


  • Soft Skills
    • Time & Project Management
    • Scum, Kanban, Waterfall

My Values

Honesty, positivity, and reliability are highly valued characteristics and I work hard to display these in my work

I love to learn new stuff and can get quite passionate about those, till I feel comfortable in my work. Furthermore, I enjoy working in groups as I find it highly beneficial to contribute to the team and learn from my colleagues. When presented with the opportunity to help colleagues and friends I gladly make use of this as it also aids me in deepening my knowledge.

Expanded Reality

This study course focuses on the design and programming of ER experiences. It is a study oriented program, focussing on hands on learning. By striving towards the same goal, team work is essential and provides us with opportunities to grow.